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The Guvnor's White Paper

The Guvnor of Memes

Welcome to The Guvnor’s White Paper

Foreword by The Guvnor

Oi, oi, you lot! The Guvnor 'ere, and if you ain't already guessed, this ain't your average white paper. Now, I’ve been wheeling and dealing in the East End longer than you’ve been alive, so when I tell you I’ve got a cracking new idea, you’d best pay attention. We’re talking about cryptocurrency, and no, it ain't some dodgy scheme like the time Big Mick tried to flog knock-off Rolexes down the market. This is the real deal.

Picture this: me, sitting in the back of the Dog and Duck, nursing a pint, when I get to thinking about all the dosh floating around in the digital world. And then it hit me—why should we leave all the clever tech stuff to the geeks when we can have a piece of the pie ourselves? So I got some of the boys together, and we came up with our own plan. It’s a bit like a bank job but without the balaclavas and getaway cars. This is all above board, I swear on me mum’s grave.

Now, I know what you’re thinking—"What’s a proper Cockney gangster like you know about blockchain and digital wallets?" Well, let me tell ya, it's all about trust and security, right? Same as running a protection racket, but without the bruisers. We’re gonna make sure your digital dosh is safe, sound, and always where it should be.


So, here it is, laid out nice and simple. None of that fancy jargon—just straight talk from The Guvnor himself. By the time you’re done with this, you’ll be ready to dive into the world of crypto like a duck to water. So grab yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and have a read. And remember, if I can get my nut around this crypto lark, so can you.


The Guvnor

Guvnor of Memes Coin (GUVNOR) White Paper

Written by the Guvnor himself (from notes taken on the back of a fag packet)
















Blimey! Before we get started, remember this ain't financial advice, mate. If you lose your dosh, it's on you. But if you get rich, buy us a pint, yeah? We're here to make a statement for change in Crypto, not just to make you rich—though when that happens, we won't complain.




Alright, you mugs! Gather round, ‘cause we're about to introduce you to the biggest, baddest coin in the whole bleeding crypto world – the Guvnor of Memes Coin (GUVNOR). Forget Bitcoin, forget Ethereum – this is the one that'll have you laughing all the way to the bank if the bank accepts memes as collateral, that is. We’re not just another coin; we’re the dog’s bollocks of the crypto world, the top banana of digital dosh.


The Problem


The problem with today’s crypto world, see, is it’s all too serious. Boring, innit? Where’s the fun? Where’s the banter? Where’s the bloody memes? Crypto’s become a right proper bore. You’ve got nerds in their basements, mining away, talking in fancy jargon no one understands. We’re here to put the fun back into the funds. We’re here to solve that by creating a coin that's all about the lols. The GUVNOR ain't just another coin – it's a revolution in taking the mick. The world needs a coin that’s a bit cheeky, a bit naughty, and a lot of fun.


The Solution


Guvnor of Memes Coin (GUVNOR) – the world's first meme-based cryptocurrency that rewards you for being a cheeky git. Every transaction, every hodl, every time you share a dank meme, you're in the game, son! We’re talking about a coin that’s powered by the people, for the people, and by people who can take a joke.


How It Works


  • 1. Minting Coins: We don’t mine GOMC – we mint it. Like the Royal Mint, but without all the fancy guards and shiny uniforms. New coins are minted when you create top-notch memes and share them on the interwebs. No more noisy mining rigs, just a good old laugh.

  • 2. Guvnor's Choice: The best memes, as voted by the community (or the Guvnor himself, if he’s feeling benevolent), earn extra GUVNOR. So, get creative, get cheeky, and make sure your memes are proper belters. The Guvnor has a soft spot for cat memes, but don’t let that influence you—much

  • 3. Market Shenanigans: GUVNOR will be traded on all the major exchanges (in time), and some dodgy ones too, probably. The value of GUVNOR will be based on how funny your memes are and how many people share them. The more viral your meme, the more coins that will be purchased. Simple, innit? And if your meme gets featured on a billboard in Times Square, well, you're helping the community hit the jackpot, mate!




1.Total Supply: We’re minting a cool billion GUVNOR. That’s right, a billion. Why? ‘Cause it sounds impressive, doesn’t it? And who doesn’t want to be a billionaire, even if it’s in meme coins?




  • Almost all coins are for the punters who buy them. Gotta keep the people happy, right?


  • Some were (and will be) purchased by the Guvnor. Gotta keep the lights on in the pub and the beers flowing.


  • 0.0001% - Miscellaneous. For the odd pint and a bag of pork scratchings. Also, for legal stuff, ‘cause apparently you can’t just do what you like; who knew?




  • 1.Q4 2024: Launch the coin, throw a massive online party, and start the first meme contest. Winner gets a virtual crown and some GUVNOR, of course. We’ll also release our official theme song, “Guvnor’s Anthem,” which will be a banger, trust us.


  • 2.Q1 2025: List GUVNOR on all major exchanges and a few minor ones. Also, release the Guvnor's Choice meme voting platform. We’ll also start our own meme academy to train the next generation of meme lords.


  • 3.Q2 2025: Collaborate with top meme creators and influencers. Start the "Meme Olympics". May the best meme win. And yes, there will be medals, but they’ll be made of chocolate.


  • 4.Q4 2025: Expand GUVNOR’s reach by getting it accepted at local pubs. Imagine paying for your pint with memes. The future is now! We’re also working on a GUVNOR -themed pub crawl that’ll be the stuff of legends.


  • 5.Beyond 2024: Dominate the world of crypto with GUVNOR. Retire to a tropical island with Wi-Fi to continue making and judging memes. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll launch our own meme-themed amusement park.




Security is paramount, innit? We’ve got some top blokes working on making sure GUVNOR is as safe as a bank vault. Well, as safe as a bank vault guarded by a bunch of cockneys with a sense of humour. We’ve got encryption, firewalls, and a bloke named Big Dave who makes sure no one’s mucking about with our coins.


Frequently Asked Questions


  • Q: What’s a meme?


  • A: You having a laugh? A meme is a funny picture or video that gets shared online. Keep up, mate.


  • Q: How do we increase the value of GUVNOR?


  • A: Create memes, share them, and if they’re funny enough, the price’ll Moon. Simple as that.


  • Q: Can I really buy a pint with GUVNOR?


  • A: We’re working on it. Soon, you’ll be able to slap down some GUVNOR and get yourself a nice cold one.


  • Q: Is this all a joke?


  • A: Is life a joke? Deep, innit? But seriously, GUVNOR is as real as any other crypto. Just a lot more fun.


  • Q: Are Scammers, Insiders, and VC Vultures all nonces?


  • A: Yes. Cunts.




So there you have it, you cheeky lot. The Guvnor of Memes Coin is your ticket to a brighter, funnier, and possibly richer future. Get involved, start minting those memes, and let's take the crypto world by storm. Remember, life’s too short to be serious all the time. Get your GUVNOR, have a laugh, and let’s make some dosh together. Cheers!


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Twitter: [@GuvnorOfMemes](

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GUVNOR – The Coin That Puts the 'Fun' in 'Funds'!

The Guvnor's Tokenomics White Paper
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